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There are certain events in life that we get true enjoyment from that others may not understand. It could be the thrill of riding a roller coaster (no thanks,) it could be speaking in front of large groups of people (sure, why not), it could be putting ketchup on your scrambled eggs (we won’t be dining together,) or it could be chanting (Om Namah Sivaya) Oh my! Did I say chanting? Did you immediately conjure up an image of a bunch of bald headed monks in peach colored robes singing the same notes over and over like a drone? Of course you did, because if you haven’t experienced chanting as Kirtan, you wouldn’t know how beautiful, transcendent, and spiritually awakening, chanting can be. The rhyming technique we use in the Totem Tamers guide book is very similar to the concept of a mantra in that repeating words or phrases can be very calming and healing. I know, you want to call the men to come and take me away, but trust me, Kirtan’s are awesome, especially when the person leading the Kirtan is awesome. For me, that person is WARRIOR GODDESS, Suzin Green, whom I was introduced to by my mom (thanks mom!), and have been a devoted follower ever since. When Suzin sings, it’s as if the world stops and all you can do is float in the space between her call and your response. Look, Kirtan isn’t for everybody, but don’t judge if you’ve never been to one. Suzin has a new album out and it’s spectacular. This isn’t just a plug for the album, The Mantra Project Vol 1 Daughter of the Mountain, it’s also a resounding tribute to someone who works hard at bringing stillness to the masses. And it ain’t easy, but a few listens to Mangalam and you will find yourself freeing up without effort.

Om Sri Totem Kali!

Om Sri Totem Kali!

If you’ve never witnessed or participated in a Kirtan, I can’t recommend it enough, it is moving beyond words, even if you don’t sing. Just being in the room is transformative. It’s not about singing your heart out, it’s about singing your heart open. Thank you Suzin, for being a WARRIOR in my life and helping me recognize my inner WARRIOR, and I can only hope you do the same for many others.

Stay well.