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Ever have that feeling that it’s just a little darker in your world than you like it to be? That there are clouds trailing behind you, if not directly over you? We all have that feeling now and again and sometimes, there is a refuge in it. But there is no better feeling than when you turn that corner and BAM! The light from a shining sun hits you, forcing you to close your eyes for just a second to feel the healing warmth and lend you some of the glow to carry away with you.

Tanning Totems!

Tanning Totems!

Take a moment to find your sun, even if you work in the basement. Close your eyes and feel the warmth, feel the glow, and keep it with you as you move through your day.

Stay well.

To learn more about Totem Tamers, please visit our site at www.totemtamers.com.